Perspectives for Marketing Teams

Optimize Your Marketing Strategy with AI-Driven Ideas Mapping

Perspectives offers a comprehensive platform to manage all aspects of your marketing work. From strategy to execution, our flexible AI models adapt to your unique needs, ensuring your campaigns are always on point.

Our ideas mapping enhances clarity by visually organizing goals, strategies, and tasks. It allows stakeholders to see the connections between different elements of the strategic plan. This visual representation aids in communication, ensures everyone is on the same page, and facilitates better decision-making.

operations management visual schema to illustrate how perspectives use AI to manage operations

Strategic Planning

Goal Setting

Define clear, measurable marketing objectives aligned with overall business goals. Use SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) for effective goal setting.

Resource Allocation

Allocate resources efficiently, including budget, personnel, and technology. Ensure alignment with strategic priorities and potential ROI.

Implementation Plan

Develop detailed action plans with timelines, responsibilities, and milestones. Use project management tools to track progress and ensure timely execution.

Performance Measurement

Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor the effectiveness of marketing activities. Regularly review and adjust strategies based on performance data.

Collaboration and Communication

Improve teamwork and communication within the marketing team and with other departments.

concept development phase for interior design

Digital asset management

Centralized Repository

All digital assets are stored in a single location, making them easy to access and manage.
Categories and links between objects ensure assets are logically grouped, reducing search time.

concept development phase for interior design

Event management

Visual Planning
Mindmaps are ideal to visualize event timelines, tasks, and logistics

Resource Allocation
Manage and allocate resources efficiently, including budgets, personnel, and materials.

Facilitate communication among team members and stakeholders with integrated collaboration tools.

UI OKR illustratioin

Request Management

Centralize requests

All requests are logged and managed in a single platform, reducing the risk of lost or overlooked requests.

Visual Tracking

Use mindmaps and visual tools to track the status of each request, ensuring transparency and accountability.


By implementing our custom workflows, you enable a streamlined, transparent, and efficient request management process. This ensures requests are handled promptly and accurately, enhancing resource allocation,  team collaboration and accountability.

OKR illustrated with radar

The Perspective 
recipe used in the Roadmap:

mindmap icon

Mindmaps provide a structured vision of the company’s strategy and its breakdown into concrete actions.

monitoring icon
Compass Monitoring

Mindmaps provide a structured vision of the company’s strategy and its breakdown into concrete actions.

all architecture project data in one single space
Connected Data

The data connection technology enables the connection of your strategic objectives to implemented projects.

perspectives for PM

The different perspectives available will allow you to focus on both short-term and longer-term strategies.

document management illustration

Besides the High-Level schematic vision, a document-based library can also collect and organize more detailed information.

security by audience in project management
Security Audience

Perspectives allows defining fine-grained access levels. This way, each audience (internal/external) can only access the intended information, and confidentiality is respected.